Friday, January 9, 2009

Expectation this coming intramurals...

This coming intramurals i guess that it is full of excitement because this is the time of program having a competition to other department by respresenting our terms of show to each other our skills.also competing to other course using by knowledge in trevia and quiz bowl games.i hope it will be successfull this year 08-09 intramurals inside the school. as a player of the comp.sci dept.i hope we are the overall champion of this intramurals.(-.-) god bless us always....

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

assignment in cs 101.

yes!because it is very important scanner to prevent the virus inside the computer so that we must have this to install.interms of updating we must read first the instruction before we click the next step and read it carefully to avoid error in updating anti-virus. it is very important because if thier's an virus it can detect automatically in the coputer.because if your computer have no virus scanner your file and your computer will be affected.Example of virus are brontoc,trojan,worm,autorun etc.your files will be corrupt,slow loading and always that do not egnore your computer always see to it that always update the virus scanner to avoid trouble in any kinds of program inside the computer.